Tag: exercise
thread the needle stretch

5 Twists To Loosen The Spine

You know that feeling when your back is all loose? It’s perfect. Twisting stretches can apparently help digestion, improve sleep and promote relaxation. Stretching in general has so many benefits and there’s no reason it should be skipped, it can even prevent back injuries. Sign me up!…

healthy without rules

Living Healthy Without Rules & One Year Of Blogging

I have been a “blogger” now for one year! Honestly I never thought I’d still be doing this since it took years of my husband convincing me to start a blog. I spent years pursuing and working in a career that wasn’t for me. Fortunately I am a…


4 Exercises For A Full Body Workout At Home

Working out is more simple than we make it out to be. It doesn’t need to be some elaborate hour long gym session with machines and treadmills. Many people are overwhelmed with the amount of exercise options out there and don’t know where to start. All you need…

Lose Weight Without Dieting By Shifting Focus to Healthy

Stop “Trying” To Lose Weight

The true motivation behind a weight loss journey determines success.  We are all real people who need to get our lives back instead of obsessing over weight loss.  What are you trying to lose weight for? You can lose weight without dieting by simply by changing the focus to…

spinal twist stretch

5 Morning Stretches For The Best Day Ever

What we do when we first wake up sets the tone for the whole day. Grumbling and crawling out of bed and then rushing off to work is less than ideal. What if we could make our day better by starting out with a few off…

sidelying leg lift

Lean Lazy Legs

Who could use a lazy lower body workout? I recently posted “Lean Lazy Arm” exercises and I thought just maybe you’d like some for the lower body too. This whole workout is done laying on the ground.. But Mindy Fresh, how can we do that and does it even…

child's pose

Simple Stretches for the Lower Body

Stretching is the easiest exercise out there and it prevents injury. Stretching even just once per day can provide benefit and even promote relaxation to our stressed out days. Lower body stretches especially may counteract sitting all day. Here I provide some easy lower body stretches that anyone can try,…

triceps extension exercise

Lean Lazy Arms

Minimal effort required here. I present to you my lazy arm exercises post, because we all get lazy.  A good time to get movement in is while watching TV. These lazy exercises can even be done without weights or with two carefully covered drinks. Lazy Arm…

Any Movement Counts

“I don’t have any time”. The number one excuse is that we have no time to exercise. I totally get it though. You do not need to exercise as much as you think. (Try maybe just eating nutritious foods!) Try walking, yoga, strength training, or intense…